Another option is to save your layout as a FotoFinish template. Templates are automatically saved in the Layout Explorer tree where you can access them easily. A template is different from a document because it is designed to be re-used at a later time with new photos. Thus, when saving a template, you are really saving it with Photo Placeholders, so that the next time you access it, you can insert new photos.
To save a template, choose Save as Template from the File Menu and specify the name and the category for your new FotoFinish template. You can even create a new category and add keywords to help locate the template later.
Saving your Layout as a FotoFinish Template
When you save your layout as a Template, you’ll be asked to define how your template should be scaled (resized) if you print it on differently sized paper.
Specify how your template should be scaled
Proportional scaling is recommended. If you choose non-proportional scaling your images may be distorted if the new paper has a different aspect ratio than your original paper size. If you never want your images to be scaled, select Don’t Scale.
After saving it, your new template will appear in the Layout Explorer in FotoFinish Designer.